Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How do you map the routes?

We utilize Google Maps to build out the route map for your trip. It is primarily based on the fastest trip; however, it may not always be the most efficient, as there are different factors such as traffic, weather, construction, etc.

How do you calculate the fares?

Our estimates are based on the values provided by's engine. The engine utilizes local taxi rates for many cities around the United States and abroad.

Any disclaimers?

Yep. TaxiFinder is for reference only. It does not consider certain factors such as traffic, weather, construction, availability of flat rates, service fees, and tolls. Any of these factors can change the fare drastically. Please refer to the disclaimer.

Before You Download

Do you have a version that disables the ads?

No, we do not offer this at the current time.

Is my city supported?

The Fare Finder (i.e. fare estimator) feature is available in the cities supported by All locations in Canada and the United States are supported; hwever, the local taxi rates and POI lists are only available for specific cities that are listed on the home page of or check Supported Cities

Regarding Use

My cab driver (or the meter) is quoting a different price. What should I do?

Before you panic, speak to the taxi driver. TaxiFinder is for reference only and does not consider certain factors such as traffic, weather, construction, availability of flat rates, service fees, and tolls. Any of these factors can change the fare drastically. If you still feel the fare is inaccurate, you should call the local authorities from your cell phone or take down the information of the driver and the taxicab. Please refer to the disclaimer.

I am seeing a POI list that is not from my city. What's going on?

You may be in a location or a city where TaxiFinder does not offer the POI feature. You may be seeing the POI list from another city or a generic USA list. Please wait for future updates. If you would like to suggest a city, let us know in our Contact Us page.

My POI page has locations that are all over the USA. Why is this?

TaxiFinder's POI list is not available in all cities. Please enter the address or use your iPhone's contacts to specify your destination.

I do not see any Taxi Companies. What can I do?

First, please check your data connection/coverage. Second, there may not be any taxi companies near your current location within the search radius specified under Settings. Please expand your search radius and try again. (TaxiFinder utilizes Yelp! for its taxi company listings, and your local companies may not be listed on Yelp!)

* In its current release, Taxi Finder may return limited taxi and location listings unless you are in or near the supported cities. Check Supported Cities.

What should I set the search radius to?

This depends on where you spend the most time and where you use TaxiFinder the most. If you are in a metropolitan area, 2 miles may be most effective. If you are in rural areas or in the suburbs, you may want to increase it accordingly.

I am getting an error upon calculating the fare. What is happening?

Please check your network connection, as TaxiFinder relies on it. You may be in an area of poor data coverage or you may need a Wi-Fi network. Please also make sure your "Location Services" is turned on, so your device GPS can locate you.

I am getting an error, "localized domain". What is happening?

This happens when your device is not able to find your location. Please check to see if your "Location Services" is turned on under settings.

I am entering the address, but it doesn't seem to find the location.

TaxiFinder may not be able to identify the location with the information you have provided. This may be due to multiple locations that both fit your entry or an outdated address. Please try being more specific, for example entering the zip code or using proper commas.

I found a bug. What should I do?

Please help us improve the app by notifying us of the issue. You can submit it through our Contact Us page at

I do not agree with the rate estimates!

We apologize. We try to provide you with best estimates with the most updated information and routes; however, there are various factors that affect taxi rates, such as traffic, weather, construction, availability of flat rates, service fees, and tolls. Any of these factors can change the fare drastically. Help us improve the app by submitting your cases through the Contact Us page at